2016年中国纺织服装行业社会责任年会 主题大会

时间:2016117  13:30-18:00


日 程

第一部分 会议开幕及嘉宾致辞


——中国纺织工业联合会会长 孙瑞哲

——国有资产监督管理委员会党建局局长 张涛

——工业与信息化部消费品工业司副司长 曹学军        

第二部分 2015-2016中国纺织服装行业社会责任报告发布 



——中国纺织工业联合会副会长 陈大鹏 

第三部分 坚持创新驱动的可持续发展之路








——浙江美欣达印染集团股份有限公司副总经理 龙方胜







第四部分  促进“一带一路”战略下的负责任投资








——世界自然基金会上海中心主任 任文伟


——商务部政研室投资处处长  陈霖


——鲁泰纺织股份有限公司总经理  刘子斌



第五部分  完善协同合作的行业公共治理







       真维斯(国际)香港有限公司董事长  杨勋

       新疆自治区巴音郭勒自治州尉犁县县长 苏莱曼•玉色因

       江苏省吴江高新区管委会主任、盛泽镇党委书记 范建龙

       联合国环境署项目官员Kevin Munn

       日本纺织联合会产品安全与环境委员会主任 长保幸(Yasuyuki Cho






2016 Annual Conference on Social Responsibility of Chinese Textile and Apparel Industry


November 7, 2016 13:30-17:00

The Grand Ballroom, Shanghai Marriott Hotel Parkview


Part I Opening Remarks

  • Mr. Sun Ruizhe, President, CNTAC

  • Mr. Zhang Tao, Director-General, State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the States Council

  • Ms. Cao Xuejun, Deputy Director-General, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology


Part II Key-note Speech

Release of 2015-2016 Annual Report on Social Responsibility of China Textile and Apparel Industry and Responsible Development Goals 2025 of China Textile

  • Mr. Chen Dapeng, Vice President of CNTAC


Part III Presentation: Innovation Driven towards Sustainable Development

China's textile industry is facing transformation and upgrading, How to realize energy-saving and emission reduction, green manufacturing, sustainable development? Innovation is the main driving force. The Fifth Plenum of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China established the five development philosophy of innovation, harmonious, green, open, sharing. “Made in China 2025” plan stresses the importance of innovation driving development. The 13th Five-year plan in textile industry also emphasize insisting Innovation driving development, completing the innovation system, strengthening the fusion of industrial and information, promoting the innovation of technology, management, manufacture and operation. Increase the investment in research and development design, Strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights, Acquire the breakthrough in key technology of key areas, Enhance the soft power of the industry, Improve the scientific and technological progress contribution rate to the industry development.

We will invite guest speakers from the enterprise and organizations to introduce the development trends of innovation in textile industry, and share the advanced experiences on technology innovation and management innovation. And discuss the innovation driving sustainable development.


Guest speakers:

  • Practice of Zero Discharge of Printing and Dyeing Wastewater

    By Mr. Long Fangsheng, Deputy General Manager, Zhejiang Mizuda Printing and Dyeing Group Co., Ltd

  • Traceability of Chemicals Management in the supply chain

By TUV Sud

  • Innovation on Textile Intelligentization

By Jingwei Textile Machinery Co., Ltd.


Part VI Presentation: Promoting Responsible Investment in the context of "The Belt and Road" Initiative

Currently, China's textile industry is facing double pressure, one is from the increasing domestic production costs, blocked financing and slower net export growth; and the other is from the orders’ transition and tariff barriers of European countries. Under these circumstances, many textile and garment enterprises choose to "go out" and carry out overseas layout. With the guidance of "The Belt and Road" strategy, China's textile industry has entered a new era of international layout. Overseas investment is accelerating in multi-region, multi industry, and in various ways. By the end of 2014, more than 2600 enterprise of textile and garment production, trade and product design in 100 countries were invested by Chinese companies, most of them located in Asia. CNTAC will enhance the enterprises to carry out cross-border allocation of resources, and promote the Chinese textile industry a new breakthrough in the global value chain.

We will invite guest speakers from the government, organizations and enterprise to introduce the development trends of overseas investment, and share the advanced experiences to the audience, and provide reference of building international development vision to enterprises.


Guest speakers:

  • Perspective of Experiences of WWF on Belt and Road Initiative

By Mr. Ren Wenwei, Head of Shanghai Hub, WWF

  • The Overseas Investment Trends of Chinese Enterprises in "The Belt and Road" Strategy

By Mr. Chen Lin, Director of Invest Division, Policy Research Department, Ministry of Commerce

  • International Experience of Responsible Overseas Investment

By Mr. Liu Zibin, General Manager, Lutai Textile Group



Part V Panel Discussion: Improve the Industrial Multi-Governance

The project of Social Responsibility for China Textile and Apparel Industry need the combined cooperation of government, association and enterprise. Government play a role of guiding and leading, associations have the duties of consulting and service, enterprises are the main subject of the process of industry work and transformation and upgrading. Different roles have different effects, which can combine with each other to enhance the industry work of social responsibility.

We will invite guest speakers from the government, association and enterprise to introduce their experiences on social responsibility work. And discuss the collaboration mode of Multi-Governance in the textile industry.



  • Mr. Yang Xun, Chairman, Jeanswest (International) Hong Kong Co., Ltd

  • Mr. Suleyman Yuseyin, Governor of Yuli County of Bayangol Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang Autonomous Region

  • Mr. Fan Jianlong, Director of Management Committee of Wujiang High Tech Development Zone, Jiangsu

  • Mr. Kevin Munn, Programmer Officer of UNEP

  • Mr. Yasuyuki Cho, Director of Product Safety Committee of Japan Textile Federation


  • Ms Yan Yan, Deputy Director, Office for Social Responsibility, CNTAC

主办方 Hosts




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