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The 4th ZDHC-CNTAC Conference
 on Hazardous Chemical Control & Sustainable Manufacturing

November 8 2016

Are you ready to become an industry leader in chemical management best practices?


On November 8 2016, The Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Programme and the China National Textile and Apparel Council (CNTAC) will host the 4th ZDHC-CNTAC Conference on Hazardous Chemical Control & Sustainable Manufacturing in Shanghai, China.


The conference is aimed at senior management within the textile and footwear value-chain, and other interested stakeholders, wanting to improve their chemical management practices.


The conference will feature presentations from thought-leaders from across the sector, key initiatives for chemicals management in manufacturing, show case best practices, and provide interactive question and answer sessions.



Participants will


  • Improve their understanding of the challenges of hazardous chemical control in the value chain. 更好理解供应链有害化学物质管控的挑战;

  • Learn about ZDHC standards and tools for continuous improvement in the discharge of hazardous chemicals. 了解ZDHC标准和工具以持续改进有害化学物质的排放;

  • Gain insights on practical industry best practices for using ZDHC industry standards, tools and guidance.洞察使用ZDHC行业标准,工具和指南的最佳实践;


This event builds on a collaboration between CNTAC and ZDHC which formed in 2013, reinforced in May 2016 with a strategic cooperation agreement to support the “Chemicals Stewardship 2020” and the goal of zero discharge of hazardous chemicals.



The event will be delivered in Chinese or English and has simultaneous translation.


2016 Annual Conference on Social Responsibility
of Chinese Textile and Apparel Industry

November 7 2016

On November 7 2016 in Shanghai Marriott Parkview. CNTAC will organize 2016 Annual Conference on Social Responsibility of Chinese Textile and Apparel Industry.

The Conference will highlight on CSR and sustainable development trend and roadmap of China Textile 2025, while enhancing exchanges and engagement among all stakeholders, with aiming to promote social responsibility in the 13th Five-Year development of China's textile and apparel industry, and promote the SDG goal of Responsible Production and Consumption, building up the "ecological civilization" of China's textile and apparel industry and achieve sustainable development of the global textile supply chain,

We would like to invite you to join this event so that we can learn and share your ideas and suggestions on social responsibility and sustainability.

The event will be delivered in Chinese or English and has simultaneous translation.


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